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  • Undergraduate Curriculum of Department of Theology

As of the academic year 2016-2017 a new Undergraduate Curriculum is being applied in the Department of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, as was approved by the Senate of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (N.K.U.A) (19/7/2016). The new Curriculum adheres to the European models of  University education and ensures that the graduates of the Department of Theology will receive a Certificate of Pedagogic and Teaching Competence.

  • Alignment of the Curriculum with the European rules and Greek legislation 

The Undergraduate Curriculum provides in every semester courses that are listed under three main categories: Compulsory, Compulsory Course Option and Optional. In order to obtain a degree, students have to choose courses from each category. Thus, the Department of Theology, aligned with the European rules and the Greek legislation, made the Curriculum’s application possible by the use of European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which is credits that can be transferred and counterbalanced within the entire European Community (ECTS). Its alignment was considered imperative for the mutual recognition of European study titles, the better cooperation between Universities and the evaluation of their work (by implementation of the Bologna
Declaration [1999]). According to this Curriculum, the agreements the Theology Department had made ever since 2005 in the context of the European program of ERASMUS will be applied.

  • Allocation of the subjects and ECTS

The Undergraduate Curriculum of the Department of Theology consists of 4 years or 8 semesters of studies and correspond to 240 ECTS, which is 30 ECTS each semester and 60 ECTS each year. The allocation of the ECTS to the main categories of courses is:
Compulsory: 5 ECTS
Compulsory Course Option: 3,5 ECTS
Optional: 3 ECTS
Obtaining a degree
Every student obtains if they have successfully passed 36 Compulsory, 12 Compulsory Course Option and 8 Optional courses, thus gaining 240 ECTS. Students must also pass any three Compulsory Course Option courses of each Sector.

  • Courses for Obtaining Certification of Pedagogic and Teaching

Competence in the Department of Theology.  Every student that has been enrolled in the academic year 2013-14 and on and desire to be appointed as Secondary Education RE teachers, along with their degree, they have to obtain certification of Pedagogic and Teaching Competence (PTC), as defined in the law 4186/2013 art. 36, par. 22 excerpt ε΄ (Official Government Gazette (OGG) 193Α΄). This law provides for every student enrolled in the academic years before 2013-14 that they have certification of PTC when they receive their degree, while those enrolled in the academic year 2013-14, as defined in the law 3848/2010 (OGG 71 A΄) art. 2 and art. 36 par. 22, excerpt α΄ and ε΄ of the law 4186/2013 (OGG 193 Α΄) must obtain a separate certification of PTC. This is granted if the students attend the courses required, so as to be able to participate in the examination organized by the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) and thus be appointed in secondary schools.